Contents menu

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Accessing the contents menu

The contents menu in the contents window can be used for operations on the knowledge tree. To open this menu:

  • press Alt+F10 in the contents window,
  • right-click over the selected branch of the knowledge tree, or
  • press Apps Key (Application key allows you to open a pop-up menu relevant for the current context) (context menu key left of the right Ctrl key).

Contents menu items

The contents menu includes the following options:


  • New - add new elements
    • Item - create a new item as a child of the selected element
    • Topic - create a new topic as a child of the selected element
    • Child element - add a new element as a child of the currently selected element. A child is an element that is one level down in the knowledge tree. The type of the element is determined by the default type in the type combo box (at the top of the Contents window)
    • Insert element (Ins) - insert a new element in the place of the currently selected element (the current element moves one position down). The type of the new element is determined by the default type in the type combo box (at the top of the Contents window)
    • Duplicate (Alt+D) - duplicate the currently selected element and attach the duplicate as a child of the duplicated element
    • Folder - create a dismissed template-less topic, which can act as a folder for holding other elements
    • Category - create a new category in the place of the current selection. The newly created element becomes the root and the initial hook of the new category. Category wizard will help you name the category and choose its default templates
    • Tasklist - create a new tasklist in the place of the current selection. This option is identical to New : Category. The only difference is that a new tasklist rooted in the created category will be added to the tasklist registry


  • View
    • Element (Shift+Enter) - bring the element window to the front with the currently selected element
    • Branch - put all descendants of the current branch in
    • Descendants (Ctrl+Space) - put all descendants of the selected branches in the element browser
    • Selection - view all selected elements in the element browser
    • Children - put all children of the currently selected branch in the element browser
    • Parent (Ctrl+Up) - go to the parent element of the presently selected element
    • First child (Ctrl+Down) - go to the first child of the presently selected element
    • Collapse (Ctrl+Alt+Enter) - collapse the current branch


  • Rename - rename the currently selected element


  • Copy - copy the currently selected element to the clipboard


  • Paste - paste the element from the clipboard (previously copied with Copy above)


  • Delete (Del) - delete the currently selected element and all its children and descendants (if any)


  • Move (Shift+Ctrl+V) - move the currently selected element to a new location in the tree. Use Accept or double click to point to the new location for the element


  • Learn (Ctrl+L) - make repetitions on the currently selected branch and memorize pending elements belonging to the branch


  • Dismiss (Ctrl+D) - dismiss the currently selected element


  • Search
    • Find - find a string in the first title in expanded branches below the currently selected element
    • Find next (F3) - repeat the last search done with Search : Find
    • Search branch (Ctrl+F) - search for a text in the selected branch. All texts are considered in search (i.e. not only titles)


  • Category - options for managing Categories
    • Create - create a new category
    • Convert branch (Ctrl+K) - create a new category with the currently selected element as the root. The category will take the title of its root element as its name. You can change that to a shorter or more mnemonic name. The currently selected element will also become the first hook of the category
    • Set category root - make the currently selected element the root of the current category (the current category is the category selected in category combo-box on the Tools toolbar). The root is the element that is the ascendant of all elements in the category
    • Set category hook - make the currently selected element the hook of the current category (the current category is the category selected in category combo-box on the Tools toolbar). Once you change the hook, all newly added elements will be children of the hook (only within the current category)


  • Export
    • Transfer elements - transfer the entire branch to another collection. This option is similar to File : Merge collection; however, only the selected branch is transferred
    • Document - export all texts from the currently selected branch as a single HTML document
    • Q&A text file - export all items from the currently selected branch to a Q&A text file
    • XML - export all elements from the currently selected branch in the XML format that can be imported to other SuperMemos. XML files may also be imported back to SuperMemo for Windows
    • HTML - export the currently selected branch to HTML. Not all component types can be exported. The component layout is not preserved
    • Source code - export the currently selected branch source code in the text format
    • Subset - export a subset as text. This option is the same as Export : Source code with this exception that only the elements belonging to a selected subset are exported. Read more: Using subsets
    • Learning data - export the learning process from all elements in the currently selected branch. You can later use File : Import : Learning process : Text file to import such a file to the same collection or a subset collection derived from the original collection (e.g. generated to make repetition on a notebook with limited space or performance)


  • Tools
    • Regroup in folders - group all children in the branch into a number of branches with equal number of children. Do not affect further descendants. Unlike Arrange in folders, this option preserves the structure of knowledge generated with Incremental reading
    • Arrange in folders - group all elements in the branch into a number of branches with equal number of children. For example, if your branch contains 100 elements, you can use Arrange in folders to create 10 empty elements used as placeholders for the remaining items. Each of those newly created elements will host 10 children. Thus all your 100 items will be grouped in 10 branches with 10 children each
    • Random test (F11) - run a random test on all elements in the selected branch


  • Font - change the font used in the contents window and in the registries

Process branch>

  • Process branch - process all elements in a given branch using options available from the subset processing menu
