Use e-mail to get in touch. E-mail addresses change annually.
To report a bug use:
bug2025 AT supermemo DOT org
To ask for technical help use:
help2025 AT supermemo DOT org
To ask questions about your order use:
shop2025 AT supermemo DOT org (or use this contact form:
To have your instructions or unlock password resent use:
moni2025 AT supermemo DOT org (or use this contact form:
To send your registration file (register.txt):
register2025 AT supermemo DOT org (or use this contact form:
If your experience mail delivery problems, you can try to use the contact form (use it as a last resort due to the mix-up of a variety of messages received):
Contact Form
To ask questions about use:
support AT supermemo DOT com
If you need to mail your collection, see How can I send a collection via e-mail?
For more see: