Read toolbar

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You can display the Read toolbar by clicking the Read tab at the bottom of the element window (at Middle or higher level).

SuperMemo: The Read toolbar at the bottom of the element window. It features options used in incremental reading

Figure: The Read toolbar at the bottom of the element window. It features options used in incremental reading

Toolbar buttons

  • Paste article (Ctrl+N) - paste a new article from the clipboard to the current collection
  • Remember extract (Alt+X) - use the selected part of the text to create a new element and introduce this new element into the learning process. This is one of the most important options used in incremental reading. Use Alt+X on a selected text to tell SuperMemo that the selection is important and that you want to better remember it in the future
  • Schedule extract (Shift+Alt+X) - use the selected text to create a new topic and schedule its review on a selected day with a selected priority. Schedule extract is the same as Remember extract but you can manually select the first interval, priority, and more
  • Remember cloze (Alt+Z) - create a new cloze deletion element based on the current keyword selection and introduce that new element into the learning process

    Example: You can convert the following sentence:

    In 1947 the UN voted to divide Palestine into Arab and Jewish states

    to question:

    In 1947 the UN voted to divide Palestine into Arab and [...] states


    1. selecting the word Jewish and
    2. choosing Cloze (or pressing Alt+Z).

    In addition to Extract (above), this is the most important option of incremental reading.

  • Schedule cloze - create a new cloze deletion and schedule it for repetition on a selected day
  • Task extract - use the selected part of the text to create a new task element and put this element on the current tasklist
  • Split article - split the article into multiple topics using various chapter markers such as headlines, horizontal lines, Wikipedia sections, SuperMemo splitmarks, etc. This can substantially accelerate decomposition of very long articles and prioritization of article chapters
  • E-mail (Shift+Ctrl+E) - send the element or the selected text via e-mail (you can annotate the element or comment on the selected text)
  • E-mail FAQ - use the selected text as the basis of an FAQ question, and send the answer to the question's author. Your response will automatically be added to an FAQ file of your choice. It can also produce a Wiki version. All FAQs at SuperMemo Website have been created by means of E-mail FAQ. Many FAQs at SuperMemoPedia have been created using this option as well
  • Highlight - highlight the currently selected text
  • Change highlight style - change the highlight style (i.e. font, font style, font size, font color, and text highlight color)
  • Ignore (Shift+Ctrl+I) - ignore the selected text in reading by marking it with the ignore style
  • Delete before cursor (Alt+\) - delete texts before the cursor (e.g. after processing it)
  • Delete after cursor (Alt+.) - delete texts after the cursor (e.g. footnotes, external links, literature references, etc.)(SuperMemo references located at the bottom of the text are not affected)
  • Set read-point (Ctrl+F7) - mark the selected text as the point from which you will resume reading the next time you return to the presented article. In incremental reading, you rarely need to use Set read-point as all extract, cloze, highlight, and other operations will automatically set the read-point for you
  • Go to read-point (Alt+F7) - go to the text that has been selected as the read-point
  • Clear read-point (Shift+Ctrl+F7) - remove the read-point from the currently processed text